Sally - Founder / Teacher

Sally, a licensed elementary school teacher and former forest school teacher, embodies a profound respect for children and their natural ability to learn. She believes that every child is an individual, capable of navigating their own learning journey with support and guidance. In the forest, she provides them with the freedom to explore, ask questions, and build their understanding through hands-on experiences. Whether they are identifying plants, observing wildlife, or working together to build shelters, Sally ensures each child feels valued and empowered in their discoveries.

Her approach is a blend of patience, creativity, and deep respect for the child’s inner world. By listening closely to their thoughts and feelings, she fosters a sense of belonging and trust, allowing children to express themselves freely and feel heard. Through play, nature-based learning, and reflective moments, Sally encourages children to develop problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence, and a deep connection to the world around them.

Her teaching is not just about imparting knowledge but about creating opportunities for children to build their own understanding of the world. Sally’s belief in the power of nature as a teacher drives her to create learning experiences that nurture curiosity, independence, and empathy, leaving a lasting impact on the children she guides.